
IMG_2113Hey there, my name is Mary. I live in the Canada’s capital, and am the proud daughter of Lebanese immigrants.  I grew up in a (very) large and loving family, the eldest girl of 5 children. Culture, love, and tradition was deeply rooted in my upbringing.

My mom shared her love for fashion at a very young age, pulling looks together from the pieces she collected in Lebanon. My sisters and I would often sit on her bed as she sifted through her wardrobe and jewelry box.

When I was 16, my baby sister was too tiny to fit in anything off the shelf, having been sick during her younger years. I quickly learned to sew so that I could make a dress for her to attend a school dance. The confidence my sister gained from wearing custom fashion was my first glimpse into the power of style.

I graduated from the University of Ottawa with a strong background in Communications and Commerce, and quickly started a career in the corporate banking industry. There, I learned the hard way that in business, your wardrobe plays a significant role in how you are perceived. I decided to combine my communication and fashion knowledge to help professionals communicate with style, and never looked back.

I now work as a media personality and celebrity wardrobe stylist in Ottawa, specializing in corporate clients and capsule wardrobes. When I’m not at my day job or dressing clients, I can be found on local television shows giving fashion and lifestyle tips.

But the most important role I play is mama to 3 incredible children, and wife (Italian hubs, hence the last name).

Looking forward to working with and getting to know you, 
